Re-Modeled Industrial High Fashion Shoot

What happens in the brain of Amanda Aponte when she is walking through Home Depot? SHOOT OUT!! Not just any old shoot out next to appliances, but a shoot out where the models become a part of the appliances. In this Photographers Adventure Club (PAC) Shootout at Parkwood Photography Studios, Brianna Nicole Thrope is our light bulb, Lauren Hendrix is our PVC piping and Kaylee Lynn Dey is our Air Duct! Please enjoy this collaboration of photos and fun by various members of PAC featuring Hair and Makeup provided by Designs By Daetriel.

Featured Models

Brianna Nicole Thorpe, Kaylee Lynn Dey, Lauren Hendrix

Featured Photographers

Amanda Aponte, Charles Panton, Philip Guzelf, Martin Corral, Nicholas Pappagallo Jr, Scott Hartwick, Tom Becker

Featured Hair & Makeup

Designs By Daetriel